
  • Who translates my documents?

    At intelliText, translations are performed strictly by native-speaking professional translators. This means that any linguist who does a translation for us must have a degree or training in the required field plus native mastery of the language. In addition, each translation includes a proofreading step, which is performed by a second specialist translator.

  • Are you certified?

    Yes, we are certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100 and 9001.

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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Übersetzungen ab
€ 59,50
Official certified
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€ 59.50
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€ 59.50
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€ 59.50
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رسمی تأییدشده
€ 59.50
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€ 59,50